
Crystal Bowls on the Edge

It was a typical day of over-everything—buying saturation, energy stimulation, junk food and exhaustion—to be expected at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show in any year. So it wasn’t surprising that I’d seek sonic refuge in the Crystal Tones™ Alchemy bowl tent.

Usually, when I enter their tents, I’m stunned by the light and presence of ALL the bowls. But this one day, only one bowl, a 7” Ruby tall, caught my attention.

From the doorway I saw a strange marbling on the wall of this bowl.

“…a curious and unnecessary addition to these bowls.”

I snaked my way through the room for a closer look. As I approached the shelf, I saw that the unusual ‘marbling effect’ was not an artistic choice at all. This bowl had been broken…and repaired.

I went right into reaction: Why would they display a bowl like this, void of shelf appeal, disfigured with ribbons of liquid crystal scars where she once was whole? Then I chimed the edge of this Being.

Instantly, this single tone echoed through my body, flushing my nervous system with light and activating a harmonic home-chord in the core of my being.

I’d never experienced a single tone like this from any bowl… ever!

She came home with me that day. Though she was my first, she has not been the last “Morph” bowl in my family. (the term “morph” is short for metamorphosis=transformed)

Morph bowls have had a crystalline version of a near death experience and gratefully, some are repaired. Here’s where the mystery and magic of sound in quartz crystal kick in. This metamorphosis seems to expose a rich complexity of harmony and tone within these beings.

The vibrations of the Morph’s new voice unlock pure energy potential, once unstable, raw and buried…until the break and the subsequent healing/resealing.

Now transformed, the potential becomes vibratory ‘food’ which can expand soul awareness. Could it be that the ‘shattering’ was necessary for the true voice of the Morph bowls to emerge?

Can you imagine a human equivalency?

I’ve come to realize these morph bowl are emblematic of our own capacity to heal from deep wounding or breaks in our spirit. They demonstrate that not only is it possible but necessary and to use our unique voice to express the rare, authentic person each of us came to be.

The Morph crystalline structure is fragile, as are we. They have endured a trauma that might have silenced them…forever.

I see in Ruby’s current state, scars of her past, yet each time she is chimed her ‘voice’ carries the transformed power, presence and passion that lives within all of us.

Could it be that Morph bowls show us how to rise up out of the trauma with a new voice, a voice that is unapologetic and authentic…BECAUSE of their wounding?

Could it be that our wounds are part of our glorious destiny?

Consider these ‘breaks’ in our personal wall as necessary for re-directing the energy of living someone else’s version of our lives. Could Ruby Morph be showing us how to give voice to the truth of who we truly are?

When she opens her voice (chimes), her scars disappear. Her angelic mellifluous voice sings us all home. She doesn’t apologize for her scars or explain why she ended up this way.

She is whole and perfect! And, she knows it!!!!

Ready for the next level?

Nothing is broken, so nothing needs to be healed.

At some level we remember this. We have never been broken, so nothing needs to be fixed. Our presence is our music. Our voice is our wand. Our body is our bowl. Our songs spill out onto the streets of our towns, into the corridors of life and bring joy and comfort to all…for the shear pleasure of being!

I see you seeing me, seeing you. What blessings we share!!

In infinite splendour,
