
Crystal Bowl Of Light

Crystal Bowl of Light came about from the shared passion and vision of the two sisters,Candace and Eunice, for the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Experiencing these bowls through weekly meditation sessions opened up a connection and clarity like they had never experienced before. The two have the most diverse and different personalities, passions, professions and life paths, but the bowls keep bringing them together. And together theyā€™ve come with clear intentions to bring such clarity of oneness and connection to all through the magical vibrations and frequencies of the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls.

They envision holding a sacred space like it is a Crystal Bowl made of Light, filled with Light and Love, in this sacred space, the most divine sounds and frequencies are co-created between the bowls and those who seek their healing vibrations for themselves and in serving others, to lift the vibrations of oneself and that of the collective.

Crystal Bowl Of Light
Block A, S512, PMQ 35 Aberdeen Street, Central
Hong Kong