Crystal Sound and Light Institute

Crystal Sound and Light Institute

This year, I am celebrating playing the crystal singing bowls for 25 years and teaching others how to play the bowls as a healing modality for 22 years. I live in Sydney, Australia and have been teaching around the world since 2013 in some other wonderful places, such as Costa Rica, Glastonbury and Avebury in the UK, Montana and California in USA, Sicily, Tuscany, Longiano, and Torino in Italy, New Caledonia, Bali and Cambodia. My love for the pure sound vibrations of the alchemy crystal singing bowls continues to expand and grow.

When I enter the sacred dance with the crystal singing bowls, I am transported to my peaceful place within where I feel I communicate with the divine and receive wisdom and guidance. It is a blessing to be able to share my love and passion and knowledge with others. To be able to guide and encourage others to find their peaceful place and discover their own wisdom and guidance is one of my greatest joys. The crystal bowls magnify and amplify energy and by creating a clear intention, these powerful tools of transformation create a positive resonance around the world which benefits all of humanity. I am very happy to be a part of a Community of Goodwill.

I have been working with Crystal Tones for over 20 years and my Temple was the first in Australia. Since then I have helped establish 2 other Temples. The newest one is in Cambodia and it is a very exciting development for Asia and the rest of the world. My Temple in Sydney is in my home and appointments to visit can be made by phone, email or Messenger on Facebook and Instagram. I am so happy to welcome people to my Temple and we enjoy a cup of tea together while looking and playing the crystal singing bowls. All are welcome. I look forward to assisting you in finding the crystal bowls that speak to your heart and mind and supporting you throughout the years to add to your collection.

love and peace

Susie Nelson-Smith (Director)
Crystal Sound and Light Institute
+61 (0) 412 348 463


Crystal Sound and Light Institute
7 Railway Parade
2780 Katoomba